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Chisel Plow Converted To Ridger
A chisel plow that cost just $183 to modify is "working great" as a ridge maker on Frank Greff's Berlin, Wis., farm.
Greff developed his ridger and ridging system so he could grow corn on otherwise unproductive low spots on his farm.
"The 8 to 10-in high ridges get seed up and away from the excessive moisture, allowing quicker soil warm up," notes Greff who figures ridging has doubled corn yields in low-growing areas. Because of the system's success in lowland areas, Greff now uses it on all of his corn ground. He feels it'll work well on slopes up to 6%.
His ridger is made from an International Vibra-Chisel with 18-in. Adams furrowers bolted on. The furrowers form the ridge in the loose soil, creating an 18 to 20-in., wide ridge and leaving an 18-in wide furrow.
The ridger uses five shanks ù four to make ridges and the fifth as a marker that rides in the last furrow of the last pass.
To prepare soil previously planted to corn, Greff discs it twice, then follows with the furrower. In sod, he plows, discs and culti-mulches before riding.
After ridging, Greff plants with his conventional four, 38-in. row International planter. The planter is held in place on the ridge by the furrows, allowing row units to plant directly on top of the ridge. The furrow spacing also allows Greff to drive through with a sprayer, combine or wagon without problems or modifications.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Frank Greff Sr., Rt. 1, Berlin, Wis. 54923 (ph 414 361-4274).

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1985 - Volume #9, Issue #4