Equestrian Explorer Sets Out Again
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Last September, 68-year-old Texan Gene Glasscock set out on a 20,000-mile horseback ride to the capital city of every state in the contiguous 48 states. He began his trip in Denver, Colorado, and figures he'll be on the road for three years.
So far, he's been to Casper, Wyoming Lincoln, Nebraska, and Topeka, Kansas. He left Topeka for Jefferson City, Missouri on November 17, and was planning to go from there to Little Rock, Arkansas. The route and schedule from Little Rock will take him east through Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and then to Connecticut and the rest of the New England states.
He's hoping to meet the governors in as many states as possible.
Glasscock is no stranger to long rides. He made history nearly 20 years ago when he rode a quarter horse named Cactus from the Arctic Circle in Canada to the Equator in Ecuador. The 12,000-mile trip earned him a mention in Ripley's Believe It or Not.
Glasscock started his trip with two Tennessee Walking Horses but has found that while the walkers are easy to ride, they weren't quite as sure-footed along highways and road ditches as he would like. He's planning to switch to a pair of American Mustangs soon.
He averages between 15 and 20 miles a day. He seldom knows where he'll spend the night when he leaves in the morning. He often sleeps in church basements. Once he slept in a carpenter's shed. A bigger concern than where he'll sleep is finding feed for the horses along the way. "I've had a little trouble finding good alfalfa hay for the horses, and they're kind of particlar about what they eat," he says. He thinks the Mustangs may not be quites as fussy as the Tennessee Walkers. He's also had a few problems with horse shoes and slick road surfaces. Twice so far, his mount has fallen and pinned him down, but neither rider nor horse have been seriously injured.
Part of the purpose for Glasscock's ride is to raise money for an educational fund for underprivileged young adults from Paraguay, where Gene worked teaching English after his trip to the Equator.
Glasscock is a member of a group called the Long Riders Guild, an international group of modern equestrian explorers. You can follow his progress on the Internet, as well as learn more about other long rides currently in progress at www.thelongridersguild.com.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gene Glasscock, c/o The Long Riders Guild, E-mail: basha@thelongridersguild.com; Website: www.thelongridersguild.com).

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Equestrian Explorer Sets Out Again LIVESTOCK Horses/Mules 27-1-24 Last September, 68-year-old Texan Gene Glasscock set out on a 20,000-mile horseback ride to the capital city of every state in the contiguous 48 states. He began his trip in Denver, Colorado, and figures he'll be on the road for three years.
So far, he's been to Casper, Wyoming Lincoln, Nebraska, and Topeka, Kansas. He left Topeka for Jefferson City, Missouri on November 17, and was planning to go from there to Little Rock, Arkansas. The route and schedule from Little Rock will take him east through Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and then to Connecticut and the rest of the New England states.
He's hoping to meet the governors in as many states as possible.
Glasscock is no stranger to long rides. He made history nearly 20 years ago when he rode a quarter horse named Cactus from the Arctic Circle in Canada to the Equator in Ecuador. The 12,000-mile trip earned him a mention in Ripley's Believe It or Not.
Glasscock started his trip with two Tennessee Walking Horses but has found that while the walkers are easy to ride, they weren't quite as sure-footed along highways and road ditches as he would like. He's planning to switch to a pair of American Mustangs soon.
He averages between 15 and 20 miles a day. He seldom knows where he'll spend the night when he leaves in the morning. He often sleeps in church basements. Once he slept in a carpenter's shed. A bigger concern than where he'll sleep is finding feed for the horses along the way. "I've had a little trouble finding good alfalfa hay for the horses, and they're kind of particlar about what they eat," he says. He thinks the Mustangs may not be quites as fussy as the Tennessee Walkers. He's also had a few problems with horse shoes and slick road surfaces. Twice so far, his mount has fallen and pinned him down, but neither rider nor horse have been seriously injured.
Part of the purpose for Glasscock's ride is to raise money for an educational fund for underprivileged young adults from Paraguay, where Gene worked teaching English after his trip to the Equator.
Glasscock is a member of a group called the Long Riders Guild, an international group of modern equestrian explorers. You can follow his progress on the Internet, as well as learn more about other long rides currently in progress at www.thelongridersguild.com.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gene Glasscock, c/o The Long Riders Guild, E-mail: basha@thelongridersguild.com; Website: www.thelongridersguild.com).
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