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Rebounder For 2003
Our new Rebounder for 2003 is even easier to use than our earlier versions. (For anyone who doesn't know, the Rebounder is a plastic strip that attaches to the seed tube and keeps seed from bouncing or bunching up in the furrow.) The new model has two metal expansion inserts that take the place of tie straps that were previously used so the Y-Not can be fastened with two screws and a metal hold-down. The new style allows installation of the Y-Not Split-It in half the time of our previous rebounder.
  This means you can switch application methods in the field without having to remove the Rebounder from the planter. You can easily change in minutes from putting fertilizer on the sidewall of the furrow to placing it directly off the end of The Rebounder with insecticide or innoculant. (Paul Schaffert Manufacturing Co. Inc., RR1, Box 157, Indianola, Neb. 69034; ph 800-382-2607; E-mail: info@schaffert.com; Website: www.schaffert.com)

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2003 - Volume #27, Issue #1