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Pickup Ramp Makes Hauling Easier
Shawn Horst and neighbor Denton Mastre of Grant, Neb., couldn't find an ATV ramp for pickups that met their needs. They wanted one that was lightweight yet tough and that couldn't shift while loading and unloading.
  That's why they ended up creating the Safe-N-Easy ramp.
  What makes it unique is how it fits onto a receiver hitch and then folds out for loading without ever detaching from the pickup. A patent-pending hinge mechanism allows the ramp to fold up neatly behind the box and then pivot out quickly for loading.
  The ramps are 65 in. long and will support up to 2,000 lbs. An 11-in. tall mini tailgate mounts in place of the original tailgate. It folds down to cover the bumper during loading. "The ramps are heavy-duty but easy to handle because you don't have to lift the entire ramp, since the top edge remains attached to the vehicle," says Horst, adding that you can't lose the ramp either because one end is always attached.
  Ramps sell for $750. A center insert for mowers and 3-wheelers sells for $75.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dynamic Marketing, P.O. Box 811, Grant, Neb. 69140 (ph 308 352-4450; dynmarketing@ nebnet.net).

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2005 - Volume #29, Issue #5