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Longer-Living Flower Developed
Cut flowers in a vase tend to wither and wilt rather quickly. But thanks to Penn. State University researchers, a newly developed variety maintains good condition for up to two weeks.
  These newcomers to the horticultural world also produce many more flowers over an extended period of time than other varieties in their class.
  The variety has been named "Elegance Silver." It resembles a geranium in terms of flower shape and size, but has a wider palette of colors than the geranium, more symmetry of petals, and highly serrated leaves.
  Elegance Silver was developed by Dr. Richard Craig, professor emeritus, Department of Horticulture at Penn. State, after almost 30 years of plant breeding.
  Elegance Silver maintains its vitality after being cut because it's less sensitive to ethylene compared to other regals, according to Dr. Hye-Ji Kim, who conducted physiological research on the new variety.
  The University has applied for a plant patent for Elegance Silver and additional protection is being sought internationally. Oglevee Ltd. of Connellsville, Penn., has been licensed to produce the new variety and the first commercially available plants will reach greenhouses next spring.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dr. Richard Craig, Penn State University, 0018 Tyson Building, University Park, Penn.

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2005 - Volume #29, Issue #5