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Hay Spear Also Moves Bale Rings
If you put off moving round bale feeders because of the hassle, you'll be interested in the Hay Spear/Ring Mover. It moves both bales and feeders with one attachment that fits on a 3-pt. hitch or front-end loader.
  And once you put the 145-lb. attachment on the tractor, there's no reason to get off when moving a feeder. Two hooks catch the top of the hay ring.
  "Because it's so easy to move a bale feeder with this attachment, you'll move it more often, keeping mud and manure from building up around the ring," says Darrell Adams, inventor.
  To put the attachment on the front-end loader, Adams says you need a separate bolting package he sells for about $30.  
  Sells for $390 plus shipping.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Triple H Inc., 1844 Dement Hollow Rd., Readyville, Tenn. 37149 (ph 615 273-2286; webmaster @feedwithease.com; www.feedwithease .com).

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2005 - Volume #29, Issue #5