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Comfy Seat Cushion With Air-Filled Cells
Sitting for long periods can make you sore and stiff. This new seat cushion uses air-filled cells to reduce numbness and fatigue, virtually eliminating the pressure points that causes them. The portable cushion can be used in tractors, trucks, combines, and even in your home or office.
  The Airhawk comfort seating system is a 19-in. sq. polyvinyl cushion with a breathable outer cover and a non-skid vinyl base. The interior of the cushion is made up of individual, interconnected air cells that allow air to slowly transfer from chamber to chamber and evenly distribute body weight. A hand pump is used to fill the cells with air. The amount of air pressure can be adjusted as needed.
  "It's a lot more comfortable than conventional foam seats," says Kevin Mulder, K & M Mfg., Renville, Minn. "The air-filled cells reduce pressure points, which are the main source of numbness and back pain. The technology has been used for years by the medical industry to treat wheelchair users and patients who are confined in bed for long periods.
  "In the average driver's seat, pressure points build where you make contact with the seat, cutting off your blood supply to your buttocks and legs and increasing the risk of circulatory problems. No matter how soft the seat is, your weight will compress and stiffen the foam, which removes any shock absorbing benefit. Your spine ends up absorbing the shock. And because you're basically balancing on two pressure points - where your posterior makes contact with the seat - your back becomes tired from trying to keep your body stable.
  "If a leak develops in the cells, you can repair it by using a patch kit (provided)."
  Sells for $89 plus S&H. A "pro" model equipped with a neoprene cover is also available and sells for $189 plus S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, K & M Mfg., Renville, Minn. 56284 (ph 800 328-1752; sales@tractorseats.com; www. tractorseats.com).

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2005 - Volume #29, Issue #6