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Electrified Bird Feeder Sends Squirrels Flying
"If I'm inside the house or in my shop, and a squirrel attacks my bird feeder, a buzzer goes off and the TV automatically comes on. I take a quick look to see what's happening and then hit the button on a special remote and watch a gray squirrel turn into a flying gray squirrel," says Jerry Zelm of Menomonie, Wis.
    "My system consists of an electric fence charger, a plastic bird feeder wired for electricity, a portable motion detector, and a homemade control box that runs the whole thing," he says. "The control box contains a 12-volt sealed battery, a 2-watt 2.4 ghz transmitter, a video camera with pan and tilt, and a 4-channel RF wireless remote controller."
    Zelm found all the components for this system on his farm. He notes that the video components could also be used to monitor barns and other outbuildings.
    Plans and item list are available.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jerry Zelm, N5095 410th St., Menomonie, Wis. 54751 (ph 715 235-0914; jzelm@sbcglobal.net).

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2005 - Volume #29, Issue #6