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Tires Make Great Snow Trapping System
With recent summer droughts and declining snowfalls during the winter, John Carson wants to trap all the snow he can in his fields.
  To do so, the Sherwood Park, Alberta, man found a new use for tractor tires. "I got an old tractor tire, hooked it by a chain to my tractor and pulled it around the fields," he says, adding that in a few days, the snow ridges harden and the valleys fill up when it snows again. This increases the amount of snow in his fields by two or three times. "It's a great job for a cold winter day, " he jokes.
  In the spring, the ridges also act as barriers to runoff, forcing the water to soak into the soil. Carson also says that his alfalfa had less winter kill.
  If he had larger fields, he'd attach more tires to a drawbar and pull them all at once.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, John Carson, 52277 RR 225, Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada T8C 1C7 (ph 780 464-7475; Jcarson@interbaun.com).

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2005 - Volume #29, Issue #6