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He Put A Can Crusher On Farmall C
"We get most our dog and cat food in cans and with this can crusher I can crush a lot of cans in only 10 to 15 minutes," says Wes Johnson, Nevada, Mo., who made a can crusher for the side of his Farmall Super C tractor.  
  While cleaning and repainting the C, which he bought at an auction sale a couple months ago, Johnson realized the hydraulic pivot arms could be used to make a very good can crusher.
  He used old parts that he had available to make the crusher and bolted the old can crusher to the C's frame. The "C" has about 2,500 psi of live hydraulic pressure so Johnson says it'll crush any type of can up to 8 1/2 in. long and 5 in. in dia.
  "The hydraulic control levers are located just forward of the steering wheel so I can stand beside the tractor and just drop the can in the crusher, reach up, move the control lever forward to crush the can and move the lever back to release it. I drop a crushed can into a bucket and do it over again," he says.
  After crushing the cans, he puts them in a bag and hauls them to the county recycling center.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Wes Johnson, R. #1, Box 47A, Nevada, Mo. 64772 (ph 417 667-2427; weskj@aicon.net).

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2006 - Volume #30, Issue #1