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Back-Saving Ideas For Machinery Hookup
John Loyd didn't like having to struggle to hook up to his mower or shredder. So the Kerrville, Texas, farmer used two simple ideas to make it easier to hook up to both machines. "They're fairly simple ideas, but they sure save my back," he says.
  The first idea involves a Deere 3-pt. mounted, 4-ft. wide tiller that attaches to his Kubota tractor. "It's a heavy machine, and I always struggled and sweated every time I had to attach or remove the tiller from the tractor. I had to either have someone help me or use a steel bar to leverage the machine into place," says Loyd.
  "To solve the problem, I used lengths of chain to make a sling that lets me suspend the tiller from a beam in my machine shed. The chain attaches to metal hooks that I bolted onto both sides of the machine, as well as on its 3-pt. hookup brackets. A turnbuckle in one leg of the chain allows me to level the tiller to match the plane of the tractor's 3-pt. lift arms. The tiller is suspended about 1 in. off the ground so it can swing, which makes it easy to hook up. Now I can attach or remove the tiller in minutes, all by myself. I just back up the tractor to the machine without having to get it completely in position. Once the tiller is hooked up to the tractor I raise it enough to take the slack off the chains and then remove them."
  The second idea involved a 3-pt. mounted, 5-ft. wide crop shredder. The problem was, there was no way to move the heavy machine either sideways or backward or forward for hookup. To solve the problem, he put a short 18-in. length of pvc pipe under each side of the front part of the shredder, allowing him to easily move the shredder forward or backward and from side to side when connecting it to the tractor.
  "Now I can hook up to the shredder without having to do any lifting," says Loyd. "The pipes makes it easy to slide the machine from one side to the other or back and forth."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, John Loyd, 507 Fall Creek Rd., Kerrville, Texas 78028 (ph 830 792-4438).

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2006 - Volume #30, Issue #1