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Poly Replacement Snouts For Cornheads
When Deere & Co. came out with its "plastic" cornhead last year, many farmers thought it was a good idea but you could only get the advantages of the slippery snouts if you bought a new header.
Now an aftermarket manufacturer has introduced bolt-on poly shields to fit any Deere, Case-IH, or New Holland cornhead. "They're lighter in weight and less expensive than metal gathering shields, and they have a slippery surface that allows the crop to slide up over the plastic better than on steel snouts, especially if corn stalks are wet or damp," says Ralph Bolinger, of CFS distributors. "The white color really shows up at night."
Bolinger says models for Massey-Ferguson and Allis-Chalmers combines will be available in the future, as well as 20-in. wide models. Only 30-in. models are available at this time. (Plastic replacement shields designed for Case-IH and Deere cornheads are also available from Von Grotto, 60113 CSAH 16, Litchfield, Minn. 55355. They're hinged on back and pivot forward for easy service access. Available in 30 and 22-in. wide models and in matching colors.)
Both end row units and center snouts sell for $100.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, CFC Distributors, Inc., Rt. 1, Box 181, Roann, Ind. 46974 (ph 800 548-6633, fax 800 528-2554).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2