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Pine Cone Picker Upper
If you hate picking up pine cones on your lawn, you need Debra Seefeldt's "Coneivore".
  You simply push this 3-ft. long poly pipe down on top of a pine cone and the slotted nylon cap sucks them up. It'll pick up cones between 2 and 7 in. in dia. "My husband is 6 ft. 6 and I'm 5 ft. 4. We figured we needed something that we could both use comfortably," Seefeldt says.
  The pipe holds between 18 and 20 cones at a time. You just turn the tube upside down to dispose of the pine cones.
  Seefeldt notes that people are also using the Coneivore to pick up apples, pears, oranges, black walnuts, chestnuts, etc.
  Sells for $34.95 plus S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Coneivore, Inc., 15818 Cuttysark, Corpus Christi, Texas 78418 (ph 888 266-3949; fax 361 949-6722; contact
@coneivore.com; www.coneivore.com).

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2006 - Volume #30, Issue #2