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Big Skid Steer Grapple
Got brush to move? The Robo-Grapple lets you do it fast and easy with a skid steer loader. The handy 72-in. and 96-in. brush grabbers are available with either single or double grapples. The 34-in. depth and 64-in. opening means the Robo-Grapple is built for volume.
"Having seen how most grapples are built, I felt you could haul as much brush with a wheelbarrow," says Robert Smith, a metal fabricator who designed and now builds the units. "I designed this so when you get a load, it's worth taking it to a pile. I have done demos where I picked up entire trees and people just shook their heads to see it.
"They fit any skid steer with universal quick-tach mounts, but I recommend at least a 65 to 70 hp machine. They weigh 1,100 lbs. without a load."
Smith will custom-build units for articulated high horsepower tractors and tractor-mounted front-end loaders. He recommends 96-in. wide grapple bucket combinations for 90 + hp skid steers and for high horsepower tractors and loaders.
The bottom tines from tip to hinge point are made from one piece of solid 3/4-in. steel. The hinge point or jaw of the grapple is 48 in. above the lower teeth. It is this spread that gives the grapple its large mouth. The two heavy-duty hydraulic cylinders work in unison, or independently in the case of twin grapple units. The twin grapples adjust for variable loads such as a grabbing a tree trunk and crown and holding both securely. Expanded metal screening protects the driver and skid steer while providing the driver with good visibility.
The standard 72-in. grapple is priced at $4,000 and the 96-in. grapple is priced at $4,800. Prices are subject to steel price fluctuations.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Robert Smith, 2836 Limestone Rd., Longford, Kan. 67458 (ph 785 388-2550; robert@ circle3welding.com; www.circle3welding. com).

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2006 - Volume #30, Issue #2