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Hay Feeder Made From Semi Trailer
FARM SHOW reader John King, Chicora, Penn., recently sent us a few photos of a big bale feeder his neighbor, Ken Teckman, made from a used 28 ft. semi trailer.
    Teckman cut a series of 18-in. wide holes in the aluminum sides of the trailer using a sawzall. He alternated positions of the holes on either side of the trailer. "That keeps the wind from blowing straight through," he says.
    He dug the wheels into the ground up to the axles so the feeder was at the right height for cattle to reach the hay.
    The rear door on the trailer remains open all the time. Cattle can't get in because it's fenced off.
    Teckman put a ramp down from the door and simply drives his round bale hauler into the trailer.
    "All I've got is $500 in it. That's what I paid for the trailer," he says.
    This year, Teckman wants to put an awning on each side to keep the cows dry as well as any hay that falls out the feed holes.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ken Teckman, 231 Troutman Rd., Chicora, Penn. 16025 (ph 724 445-2785; ken@ teckmancornstoves.com).

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2006 - Volume #30, Issue #3