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Berry-Picking Stick
"I got the idea for my berry-picking pole one beautiful summer evening when my wife was cooking supper and suggested that some raspberry shortcake would taste awful good for dessert. That sounded good to me, too, so I went out to pick a couple baskets of berries," says Eugene Towne, Milton, Vermont.
  "I started picking down one side of the row, filled one basket and went to the other side to pick there. When I bent down to put the first basket down I looked back across the row and saw that I had missed a lot of berries on the other side. I realized it was hard to pick, push the branches aside and hold the basket all at once.
  "I went to the barn and found a metal stake. I attached a flat aluminum plate to it and the first berry-picking stand was born.
  "I just stick the pole in the ground, put the basket on the plate, and pick with both hands.
  "The device adjusts to different heights easily and is useful anywhere you want to hold something and still use both hands. It might also be useful to hold tools when working on machinery. If you added a magnet, it could hold nuts and bolts in place."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Eugene C. Towne, 247 Bear Trap Road, Milton, Vermont 05468 (ph 802 893-2585).

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2006 - Volume #30, Issue #4