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Made-It-Myself Bead Breaker
Ron Young made his own bead breaker several years ago to make it easier to work on the more than 100 tires on his farm's cars, trucks, wagons, and farm implements.
  It consists of a 42-in. long steel base plate that bolts to a 48-in. long 2 by 12 wooden plank. A 2 1/2-in. long upright has several holes drilled in it to adapt to different size tires. A 60-in. pry handle pins to the upright. A curved bead-breaking shank hangs down from under the handle. It pivots on a loose bolt so it can swing, adjusting to the location of the bead. An adjustable rim-holding plate rests on top of the bottom base plate. It's just a plate that can be moved back and forth to secure the rim.
  "It makes the job easy. I made it from scrap meal," says Young.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ron Young, 6870 State Rd. 938, Eau Claire, Wis. 54701 (ph 715 834-0983).

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2006 - Volume #30, Issue #4