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Energy-Saving Automatic Water Fountain
Our energy-saving automatic water fountain is the best in price and value on the market. We designed it for our alpacas, which don't like freezing water.
  When the temperature lowers to 50 degrees, a heat strip energizes 125 watts of heat to warm the water. Once the water reaches 70 degrees, the heater goes off. If the outside temperature lowers to 40 degrees, the full 250-watt heater will energize and keep the water warm. You never have to use the full 250 watts unless it's necessary.
Sells for $260 F.O.B. Beaverton, Oregon (John and Lona Nelsen Frank, 22750 S.W. Rosedale Road, Beaverton, Oregon 97007; ph 503 649-2128 or 503 649-3616; lfrank@ alpacatv.com; www.alpacatv.com)

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2006 - Volume #30, Issue #4