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Walk-On Ads
If you thought advertisements were everywhere, don't look down. Soon you may be reading ads on the road, in parking lots and on sidewalks too. For Lonnie Folsom, it's a dream come true.
"Iæve been working on it for about four years," he says. "I figured there had to be a way to adhere picture art to tar and concrete," he says.
He finally found the right mix of adhesives and materials, and the calls are coming in. "We've had calls from California, Las Vegas; from professional sports teams, colleges, stadiums, you name it," he says. "People tell me they have thought about it for years, but couldn't figure out how to do it."
Folsom's company SignWalk has been testing their product in St. Cloud, Minn. Merchants there report increased attention from the signs.
Folsom plans to charge clients for placing their ads based on traffic at the location. A 3 by 4-ft. ad at a gas station might cost $150 a month, while the same logo at a state fair might cost $1,500 for the run of the fair.
Sidewalk logos may be popular with more than just businesses. Folsom expects sports teams and others to market the stick-ons to fans that want to put a logo or team name on their driveway or sidewalk.
"They only take about five minutes to install," says Folsom.
"Just sweep off the surface, peel off the paper backing and press it down on concrete, tar, wood or steel surfaces. As the sun heats them up, it really causes them to adhere."
Depending on traffic, he suggests they may need to be replaced every 6 months or so. While they can be peeled off, the adhesive left behind takes special effort to remove, warns Folsom.
Scraping snow off them will likely damage them, he says, but rain won't make them slick like one might expect. "They have a non-skid surface and are actually less slippery than a tar surface that is wet," he says.
Folsom says they can have stick-on ads ready to go within a couple of days of ordering.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, SignWalk, 700 West Division St., Waite Park, Minn. 56387 (ph 320 257-5555; toll free 866 855-4232; info@signwalk.com; www.signwalk.com).

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2006 - Volume #30, Issue #5