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Bowling Ball Rosary Strengthens Faith
Bernard "Chubb" Clark, Nokomis, Ill., is calling for some "heavy praying" with this rosary made of bowling balls that's laid out on his front lawn.
Chubb got the idea for the giant rosary after he ended up with five used bowling balls. He decided to see if he could find a use for them and came up with the ide
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Bowling Ball Rosary Strengthens Faith AG WORLD 30-5-23 Bernard "Chubb" Clark, Nokomis, Ill., is calling for some "heavy praying" with this rosary made of bowling balls that's laid out on his front lawn.
Chubb got the idea for the giant rosary after he ended up with five used bowling balls. He decided to see if he could find a use for them and came up with the idea for the rosary. It took some time to get it figured out, but he got it done.
He used a total of 59 balls to make the rosary. He ran links of chains between the balls and laid it all out on a bed of gravel.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Clark Bernard, 24014 Hillside Ave., Nokomis, Ill. (ph 217 563-7073).
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