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Ignition Module Helps Start Older Engines
If you have some older small engines that aren't getting much use because the points or condensor are corroded, making them hard to start, here's a quick, easy and inexpensive way to give the machine new life.
  It's a "transistorized ignition module" that's designed to eliminate the need for points and condensers in older magneto-type engines. The add-on device gets high praise from Charley Marley of Nokomis, Ill. It works on older engines that have one magnet in the flywheel (but not on engines with more than one magnet).
  Marley has used an ignition module on both an older garden rototiller equipped with a single cylinder Briggs & Stratton engine, and also an older Simplicity 16 hp riding mower. "It made the difference between getting use out of these pieces of equipment or having to get rid of them," he says. "You can find transistorized ignition modules at any good auto supply store, and the cost is less than $20."
  The module kit comes complete with instructions and a diagram. Basically, you wire it in and attach it to the engine.
  "When people first hear about this idea, many of them say it sounds crazy. But it works," says Marley.
  The modules sell for $18.50 apiece.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Charley Marley, 27147 Oconee Ave., Nokomis, Ill. 62075 (ph 217 563-2007).

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2006 - Volume #30, Issue #5