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"Lawn Chair" Snowshoes
"I made a pair of snowshoes from the backs of four old lawn chairs made from round aluminum tubing," says Ken Voigt, Wausau, Wis.
  "You can make the snowshoes any size you want. I came up with the idea after a new snowshoeing trail was established in our area. I already had the 90 degree corner tubing because of the way the chairs were made. I cut the straight tubing into lengths as needed. I inserted pieces of wood dowel stock inside the tubing to join the pieces together, then secured them with screws. I used conveyor belting for the covering and also for the boot sockets, and rubber tie-down straps to hold my boots in place. I used screws to secure the conveyor belting. All the screws were driven from the bottom of the snowshoe, as the screw heads help with traction on hard, slippery surfaces."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ken Voigt, 9208 Pasture Lane, Wausau, Wis. 54403 (ph 715 842-8471; KV57@aol.com).

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2007 - Volume #31, Issue #1