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The Ideal Calving Rig
Keith Schole of Pickardville, Alberta thinks his 1982 Honda 3-wheeler is the ideal mode of transportation for getting around the cattle yard during calving time.
  "This ATV only cost me $1,500, and it's far more maneuverable than a quad would be. I can make tight turns and get out of the way fast when I need to. Quads have a much wider turning radius, and even a used one costs a lot more," he says. "It really saves me thousands of steps, which is a big help when you're tired from getting up for night checks. That alone wears you down by the end of calving."
  Schole carries his processing supply box on the back carrier of the three-wheeler, tied on with a tarp strap.
  He mounted a standard grease gun holder on the rack to hold a baseball bat, which Schole keeps handy in case he needs to protect himself from an angry cow trying to keep him from a calf.
  "You still have to use a lot of caution and judgment, but sometimes a tap on the nose will get her to back off long enough for you to get your work done - or at least get it to a safer location," he says. "I really like having the bat so handy and yet so securely stored out of the way when I'm not using it."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Keith Schole, R.R. 1, Pickardville, Alberta, Canada T0G 1W0 (ph 780 349-3538; jschole@west-teq.net).

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2007 - Volume #31, Issue #2