Interruptible Standby Generator From The Shelby Energy Company
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Art Duvall, Pana, Ill.: Art likes the interruptible standby generator he bought from the Shelby Energy Company (Shelbyville, Ill. ph 217 774-2311). The generator is designed to start up automatically whenever the power is cut off for any reason, running on an engine fueled by propane gas. Duvall, a cattle and goat producer, says he has used the unit twice in recent months. Once the power went off for no particular reason, and once it went off during an ice storm. He and his wife like the assurance of having heat and light no matter what the weather is doing.
"Something especially attractive about the new power unit is that it's timed to run automatically for a short period every seven days. That means the unit will be ready to work whenever it's called upon. Too often people with generators never give them a test run until an emergency comes. Then, quite often, the generator won't work because over time moisture builds up in the generator, making it inoperable."
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Interruptible Standby Generator From The Shelby Energy Company MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Miscellaneous 31-3-13 rt Duvall, Pana, Ill.: Art likes the interruptible standby generator he bought from the Shelby Energy Company (Shelbyville, Ill. ph 217 774-2311). The generator is designed to start up automatically whenever the power is cut off for any reason, running on an engine fueled by propane gas. Duvall, a cattle and goat producer, says he has used the unit twice in recent months. Once the power went off for no particular reason, and once it went off during an ice storm. He and his wife like the assurance of having heat and light no matter what the weather is doing.
"Something especially attractive about the new power unit is that it's timed to run automatically for a short period every seven days. That means the unit will be ready to work whenever it's called upon. Too often people with generators never give them a test run until an emergency comes. Then, quite often, the generator won't work because over time moisture builds up in the generator, making it inoperable."
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