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Plastic Barrel Goat Feeder
Plastic 55-gal. barrels can be converted into inexpensive sheep and goat feeders that are easy to clean and move around, says David Rottink, Clarksville, Iowa.
  He buys the barrels from a local manufacturing plant for $10 apiece and uses a chop saw to cut off both ends of the barrel. He also cuts the barrel in half a little more than half way down. He uses 2 by 2 boards to bolt the two halves together, leaving enough space for the animals to stick their heads through.
  Each barrel holds one small square bale.
"They work well and are cheap to build," says Rottink, who has built about a half dozen of the feeders for his meat goats. "My total cost is less than $15 per feeder. A comparable commercial feeder sells for $200 or more.
  "I put the low side of the barrel, which is about 12 in. deep, down for baby goats and sheep, and the high side, which is about 24 in. deep, down for full-grown goats and sheep. I leave a 7-in. sq. hole between the boards for kids and an 8-in. sq. hole for nannies. The goats tend to eat from all sides so it rarely tips over. I use a food grade barrel to avoid any contamination problems."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, David Rottink, 30735 150th St., Clarksville, Iowa 50619 (ph 319 276-3105).

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2007 - Volume #31, Issue #3