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Power Trencher Works Like A Chain Saw
Latest new offspring of the chain saw is the chain ditcher that the manufacturer, Ditcher Saw Company, claims is "the best ditch digging device since the pick and shovel".
Called the "Ditcher", it's portable, lightweight (43 lbs.) and highly maneuverable in tight places. It digs a 21/z-in, wide trench for burying waterlines, gas lines, electric cables, telephone cables, etc. Another popular use is to dig out shrubbery and small trees for transplanting.
The ditcher chain has 26 digging teeth of hardened steel that bite through gravelly and stony soil. It's powered by a standard Homelite gasoline engine.
Price tag on the "Ditcher" is $995. For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ditcher Saw Co. Inc., P.O. Box C, St. Mart's, West Virg. 26170, (ph 304 684-3800).

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1980 - Volume #4, Issue #6