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Antler Artist Creates Life-Sized Sculptures
Jeff Musgrave of Divide, Colo., uses naturally shed antlers from white tail deer, mule deer, elk and moose to create chandeliers, lamps, home furnishings, and even life-sized statues. He calls his business "The Peak Antler Company," and he sells his "art" all over the world.
    Musgrave can also incorporate antiques, barrels, single trees, snowshoes, wagon wheels, bronze sculptures, rawhide and other items into his creations.
    He has been in the business for over 11 years and purchases the antlers by the pound from several dealers. He says the cost depends on size, type and quality, with prices ranging $6 to $22 per pound.
    Musgrave sometimes works with antlers that are supplied by his clients, but says it "takes such a large selection of antlers to find the ones that fit together just perfectly, that most people don't have enough antlers to do the job.
    "The antlers in my finished pieces are screwed together with heavy lag screws," he explains. "Each antler has to be pre-drilled and set with at least 3 screws each. The trick is in how to hide your tracks and conceal the screws."
    The wiring for Musgrave's UL-listed chandeliers and lamps is concealed inside the antlers themselves, thanks to a method he came up with for drilling them out.
    His chandeliers range in price from $1,195 to $17,995.
    After years of being asked how he does his work, he has produced a video entitled, "How To Build an Antler Chandelier". It sells for $29.75 plus shipping.
    He also makes chairs, stools, benches and glass-topped tables, all with strong antler bases. Prices for these items range from $725 to $3,500 each.
    Eye-catching, life-sized elk, mule deer or moose sculptures - made from antlers - are another thing that Peak Antler Company is known for. Musgrave uses a combination of various antler types to create a 9-ft. tall, likeness of one of those animals in a custom pose. He charges $25,000 (plus S&H) per sculpture and requires 8 to 10 weeks to complete each project.
    Musgrave welcomes calls at 719 641-8844 to donate mobility devices, assist financially with refurbishing, or help distribute wheelchairs overseas.    
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, The Peak Antler Company, Jeff Musgrave, 279 Pine Bluff Rd., Divide, Colo. 80814 (ph 888 788-2825; fax 650-475-8477; jeff@peakantlers.com; www.peakantlers.com or www.pushinternational.org).

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2007 - Volume #31, Issue #6