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Australian Dingoes Available For Sale
Dingoes aren't for everyone, but the legendary wild dog of Australia and Southeast Asia is a rare catch for some private owners of exotic animals.
  Dingoes can be purchased from Martin Davey, president of an exotic animal corporation in Texas.
  "People like dingoes because they're a form of wild dogs," Davey says. "They have sharp, wild instincts, similar to wolves."
  Some owners tame them and treat them as pets, he adds, and care for dingoes is similar to short-haired dog breeds. Full-grown dingoes weigh 50 to 70 lbs., eat dog food, and require shelter during cold weather.
  Davey's company makes sure health and shipping regulations are in order for international shipping. They also transport animals to zoos and buyers throughout North America and internationally.
  Dingo sales aren't as common as some of his other exotic animals, but Davey sells some every year to European, New Zealand and U.S. markets. While much of Davey's business is with zoos, he also sells to individuals.
  "People who collect animals have a fascination for them, plus there's the commercial aspect of breeding for resale," Davey says. "It's an extension of farming, though a somewhat more adventurous version."
  It's usually not a problem to have dingoes in rural areas, but it's always a good idea to check into local regulations regarding exotic animals, he notes. "Dingoes are pretty easy to keep from the point of view of health issues," Davey says, adding that they aren't susceptible to many diseases.
  Dingoes sell for $1,250 each plus transport cost from Texas.
  For more information contact Martin Davey by phone at 972 693-3961.

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2007 - Volume #31, Issue #6