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Vacu-Stack Gives "Pull" To Flues
It's like an old-fashioned chimney cap with a high tech twist, says Improved Consumer Products, Inc. about its Vacu-Stack for chimney flues. It's designed to suck flue gas up and out to prevent downdrafts.
  Like any chimney cap, the Vacu-Stack rotates away from the wind. The key to its effectiveness is that as wind flows around it, the wind velocity increases. This creates a partial vacuum close to the mouth of the unit and a positive draft that pulls flue gasses up and out of practically any size chimney.
"We have built Vacu-Stacks for refrigeration flues as small as 1 or 2 in. dia. and as large as 4 ft. across for old established resorts like the Grand Canyon Hotel," says Richard Paynton of ICP. "We've even made them for solar powered outhouses."
One very satisfied ICP customer is the U.S. Coast Guard. Paynton reports that in addition to use on cutters, hundreds of Vacu-Stack units have been installed on a base on Kodiak Island in the Aleutian Islands.
Vacu-Stack models are available for a wide variety of traditional and air-cooled chimneys. Prices vary from $80 on up, depending on size and materials. A common 6-in. flue size is priced at $115 while an 8-in. is priced at $136.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Improved Consumer Products, Inc., P.O. Box B, Attleboro Falls, Mass. 02763 (ph 508 695-7000; fax 508 695-4209; rich@chimneycaps.com; www.chimneycaps.com).

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2007 - Volume #31, Issue #6