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Concrete "Stops" Make It Easy To Open, Close Rolling Gates
"It saves a lot of getting on and off my ATV," says James Bryant, Camden, Ark., who makes concrete "stops" for rolling gates.
  He buys 10-in. dia. wheels at Wal-Mart and mounts them on the bottom corner of each gate. Then he pours a little concrete pad next to the gate post with a "hump" on it. The wheel rides up over the hump and settles into a "cup" against a backstop. It holds the gate in place.
  To open the gate he simply uses his pickup or ATV to bump the gate open. "It'll hold the gate closed except against the strongest winds. Livestock don't usually rub up against it," notes Bryant.
  The same idea can be used on large gates that open both ways. He just makes a deeper depression in the concrete with a bump on each side.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, James L. Bryant, 645 Ouachita Road 43, Camden, Ark. 71701 (ph 870 574-0527).

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2007 - Volume #31, Issue #6