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Multi-Purpose "Covered" Bunk Silo
A covered bunk silo can be used for more than just storing silage, says Mike Dwyer, Holland Patent, N.Y., who built a 30 by 80-ft. bunk silo with 8-ft. high concrete walls.
  He put a Cover-All fabric roof over the silo. Then he extended the concrete sides up another 4 ft. with sheets of plywood.
  "We load it up with haylage in the spring and summer, covering it for the summer with plastic," says Dwyer. "At the end of the summer, we pull the cover off and add corn silage and then cover that. The bunker is set into a hill so we drive into the upper level to store hay bales and farm equipment on top of the silage. The cover protects us from rain and snow when filling the silo and also when pulling feed out. And because we park equipment and put bales on top, we don't have to use tires to hold down the plastic cover. As we empty out the silage and haylage, we can move equipment and bales down to the lower level as needed.
  "The plywood sides protect the canvas, keeping silage and bales from contact.
  "The covered bunk is also a good place to work on equipment during the summer. It keeps us out of the hot sun or rain.
  "Total cost of the silo and Cover-All was less than $40,000. It's been a very useful and economical addition to our operation."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Michael Dwyer, 8635 Post Rd., Holland Patent, N.Y. 13354 (ph 315 896-6144).

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #2