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Portable "Exhauster" Kills Gophers And Moles
Got an old unused motor? Then you can kill gophers and moles the easy way, says Kim Bybee. Since he first rigged up his portable gopher gasser, it's been an easy solution to problem diggers.
"Any old motor will do if it's not too big and runs fairly quietly," says Bybee. "I used a four-cycle gas engine from an old lawn mower. Mounted on a piece of board, it can easily be carried to gopher or mole tunnels."
Once at the tunnel, he simply runs flexible metal tubing from the motor's exhaust into the tunnel. Bybee likes to add a little oil to the gas tank to thicken the smoke so he can check the progression of the exhaust through a tunnel. With or without the oil, running the motor for 45 min. is usually plenty to eliminate either gophers or moles.
"You have to be careful handling the tubing," says Bybee. "It gets really hot and can burn the hand. I use welding gloves to pull it out of the ground."
The only tricky part to setting up a gopher gasser, aside from the hot pipe, is making the connection. Bybee devised a connector that can be adapted to different size pipes and exhaust outlets. "I could send detailed plans and photos to people for a fee if they're interested, " says Bybee.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kim Bybee, 24767 Erbe St., Swan, Iowa 50252 (ph 515 848-5573).

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #2