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Grommets Help Get Into Boots
Grommets installed in the tops of boots have been a big help to C.F. Marley, now that he's older and doesn't bend so well.
  "I use the grommets in two ways," says Marley. "When I'm home and can keep the boots within easy reach, I use a couple of assists that were cut from plastic clothes hangers. When I'm away from home I get a lot of help with shoe laces that I leave in place. It takes a little more bending this way, but it's still a lot of help."
  The grommets were put into a new pair of boots by a local awning service. Awning people use grommets all the time, and they have them in several sizes, says Marley.
  If you're going to use coat hanger helpers, be sure to use grommets that are large enough, he notes.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, C.F. Marley, P.O. Box 93, Nokomis, Ill. 62075 (ph 217 563-2588).

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #2