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Metal Drawer Slides Into Toolbox On Air Planter
Nelson Wenger, Dalton, Ohio: "To store parts and owner's manuals, I built this 6-ft. long, 6-in. sq. metal drawer that slides into the toolbar on my Case IH 6-row air planter. Its weight is enough to keep it from bouncing out of the toolbar when I'm planting. The drawer could be made to any length.
  "I use 1-quart oil bottles as storage bins for bolts and small parts in my shop, and built a big plywood shelf divider system to keep them neat and organized. The items are arranged according to their size, with each row of bottles representing a different size. Uniform color caps on each row of bottles make it easy to tell the difference. Bigger 1-gal. jugs could be used for larger items."

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #2