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Build Yourself Disk Depth Guage
Now, thanks to a simple depth gauge you can build in your own farm shop, you can send anyone out to disk - including a young, inexperienced driver - and not worry about whether the disk will be operated at the desired depth.
This home-built depth gauge, designed by South Dakota farmer Ervin Jensen, of Beresford, eliminates guesswork. It's tied to a large dial with numbers which are easily read right from the cab. All you do is tell the driver which number on the dial marks the depth you want the disk to run. Then, all the driver has to do on every turn in the field is adjust the hydraulic control lever until the depth gauge dial points to the right number.
The half-circle dial is 30 in. in dia. and marked with 2 in. high numbers. With the arrow pointing to No. 1 on the dial, the disk is out of the ground. The higher the number, the deeper the setting, with No. 9 designating maximum depth.
Jensen believes his home-built gauge, which he made entirely out of scrap iron except for the sheet metal piece he bought to make the halfcircle gauge, will adapt to most any make of disk.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ervin Jensen, Route 1, Beresford, S. Dak. 57004 (ph. 605 253-2644).

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1979 - Volume #3, Issue #4