2008 - Volume #32, Issue #3, Page #06
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Rare Sheepdog Combines Companionship With Work
Also known as the Italian Alpine Sheepdog, the Bergamasco has a distinctive, matted coat that ranges from solid gray to black, and spotted merle. Adult dogs develop a long, thick coat of matted inter-woven hair known as "flocks" which protect them from weather and predators.
Abundant hair covers the eyes and particularly on the front of the body, it has a harsh texture. Although known for its herding instinct, this breed also has a strong need for close human companionship, making it an indoor dog that's ideal for people with an active outdoor lifestyle.
According to breeder Dana Brier of Blizzard Peak Bergamascos at Renfrew, Penn., "Bergamascos generally weigh between 55 and 75 lbs. and are 22 to 24 in. tall at the withers. Besides being athletic, they're a highly intelligent, friendly, family dog that usually live 10 to 15 years."
Brier has five "Bergs". "I chose this breed because a lot of other herding breeds don't make good house pets and aren't happy unless they're working," Brier explains. "Overall, the Bergamasco is very balanced and has a relaxed, reserved temperament when not working. These dogs adjust; based on the environment they're in, although apartment-style living isn't recommended. Also, they're hypoallergenic because they have no dander and don't shed."
Bergamascos are versatile in that they can be trained for obedience and agility, in addition to herding livestock.
With less than 350 Bergamascos in North America (estimated), these dogs are expensive, averaging about $1,800 each. There are currently only about five active breeders in North America but a variety of associations exist for Bergamasco enthusiasts.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Blizzard Peak Bergamascos, Dana and Janet Brier, 149 Serenity Lane, Renfrew, Penn. 16053 (ph 724 586-2732; brier @nauti com.net; www.blizzard peak alpacas.com); or Bergamasco Sheepdog Association of Canada, 1205 Head Rd., Cloyne, Ontario, Canada K0H 1K0 (ph 613 336-1769; info@bergamasco.ca; http://bergamasco.ca).
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