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New Way To Wash Livestock
While it looks like a carpet cleaner, a Canadian company's livestock washing system has a critical difference. Its patented technology removes dirt from the bottom up, instead of from the top down like most carpet cleaners.
  The Anivac Animal Bathing System uses about 90 percent less water than conventional washing, is fast, mess-free (you stay dry!) and can be done in winter with only common sense precautions.
  The Anivac's comb-like nozzles probe into the coat and sit directly against the skin, where they spray pressurized, oxygen-based cleansing fluid.
  The spray action washes the skin of the animal first, pushing the dirt up and into the vacuum force of the wand, and then it washes the animal's coat as the solution is being vacuumed up by the wand.
  The vacuum pulls the majority of the water from the coat, so the animal is left only damp to the touch. This substantially speeds up drying times and leaves the work area dry, according to the company.
  Amazingly, Anivac uses less than 2 gal. of water to wash an average horse, and the job is complete in only 15 to 20 minutes. Since it doesn't require a floor drain, the system can be used either indoors or outdoors, or virtually anywhere that power can reach.
  Anivac is available in three models. The portable "EcoWash-n-Vac" is a 1.6-gal. unit with a 12-ft. hose that washes one horse per fill. It can also serve as a dry vacuum, and sells for $1,499 (Can. and U.S.) plus S&H.
  The "Pro-Heat" 13-gal. model is also portable, has a 20-ft. hose, and holds enough water to wash four to six horses. It has an in-line water heater, which heats water as it's used. The Pro-Heat sells for $6,295 (Can. and U.S.) plus S&H.
  The third model is the "Olympic Central System," which is a built-in unit. It runs virtually silently and can also function as a dry vacuum/shop vac. This unit is priced at $8,750 (Can. and U.S.) plus S&H.
  Anivac systems are currently being marketed in 36 countries, through a network of dealers. All American inquiries are being handled by eZall Technologies, Inc., which holds the distribution rights. New dealers everywhere are welcome.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Anivac Corporation, 484 Plains Rd. E, Unit 8, Burlington, Ontario, Canada L7T 2E1 (ph 866 887-1994 or 905 690-4416; fax 905 690-6042; www.anivacfirst.com). In the U.S., contact: eZall Technologies, Inc., Box 1030, Grove City, Ohio 43123 (ph 877 879-3925; fax 614 277-2500; info@ezall.com; www.anivacfirst.com).

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #3