Nursery Specializes In Fast-Growing Trees
You can grow a fast-growing green privacy fence or windbreak with trees from Advanced Tree Technology, New Haven, Ind. The business is owned by Mark and Randy Bruick and they also sell future investment varieties such as black walnut, white oak and cherry that can be harvested in 30 years.
For nearly 20 years, the nursery has worked with university researchers who develop new varieties to graft fast-growing genetics in Advanced Tree Technology's stock. Purdue University came up with the walnut variety, for example. The business's newest variety is Green Rocket Hybrid Cedar, an evergreen that grows 3 ft. or more each year.
Besides evergreens that provide green privacy year round, the business also sells deciduous varieties, such as Skyrise Hybrid Salix, which can grow 5 ft. a year.
There are many screen, windbreak, shade and investment trees available for various growing zones, says Randy Bruick.
"They also live a long time," he adds, noting people incorrectly assume that the fast-growing varieties die sooner. They live 50 to 100 years or longer, he says.
Trees up to 6 ft. tall can be shipped anywhere in the continental U.S. by UPS. Larger orders can be delivered by truck. Prices are competitive, and in some parts of the country are less than local prices even with shipping.
Customers range from large companies to homeowners, Bruick says. Discounts are available for larger orders.
Shrubs, perennials and small ornamental trees are also among the various offerings of the business's on-line and print catalogs. Advanced Tree Technology provides detailed info about each variety as well as growing, irrigating and general tree care information.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Advanced Tree Technology, 12818 Edgerton Rd., New Haven, Ind. 46774 (ph 888 749-0799;
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Nursery Specializes In Fast-Growing Trees 32-3-9 You can grow a fast-growing green privacy fence or windbreak with trees from Advanced Tree Technology, New Haven, Ind. The business is owned by Mark and Randy Bruick and they also sell future investment varieties such as black walnut, white oak and cherry that can be harvested in 30 years.
For nearly 20 years, the nursery has worked with university researchers who develop new varieties to graft fast-growing genetics in Advanced Tree Technology's stock. Purdue University came up with the walnut variety, for example. The business's newest variety is Green Rocket Hybrid Cedar, an evergreen that grows 3 ft. or more each year.
Besides evergreens that provide green privacy year round, the business also sells deciduous varieties, such as Skyrise Hybrid Salix, which can grow 5 ft. a year.
There are many screen, windbreak, shade and investment trees available for various growing zones, says Randy Bruick.
"They also live a long time," he adds, noting people incorrectly assume that the fast-growing varieties die sooner. They live 50 to 100 years or longer, he says.
Trees up to 6 ft. tall can be shipped anywhere in the continental U.S. by UPS. Larger orders can be delivered by truck. Prices are competitive, and in some parts of the country are less than local prices even with shipping.
Customers range from large companies to homeowners, Bruick says. Discounts are available for larger orders.
Shrubs, perennials and small ornamental trees are also among the various offerings of the business's on-line and print catalogs. Advanced Tree Technology provides detailed info about each variety as well as growing, irrigating and general tree care information.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Advanced Tree Technology, 12818 Edgerton Rd., New Haven, Ind. 46774 (ph 888 749-0799;
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