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Pizza Scissors
Pizza Scissors

These "pizza scissors" are equipped with extra long blades that cleanly cut right through pizza toppings and crusts. The scissors have a nylon base, so you can use them to cut foods on non-stick cookware without scratching the surface.

    The scissors measure 12 in. long by 4 in. wide. They have soft-grip handles and hardened stainless steel blades with a spatula tip that slides easily under food.

    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, ICI USA, LLC, 2815 Eastlake Ave. E. no. 150, Seattle, Wash. 98102 (ph 206 633-6066; fax 206 374-3000; sales@ici-usa.net; www.dreamfarm.com.au).

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #3