2008 - Volume #32, Issue #3, Page #38
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Seal Stops Drill Bearing Failure
"The Seal Sealer was developed by a South Dakota farmer who got tired of replacing bearings," says Shawn Justesen, Concord Equipment. "I've heard from farmers who replace the bearings on their closing wheels every year, sometimes twice a year."
The closing wheel takes a pounding, working at an angle. Add no-till conditions, and the stress gets worse. The bearing design just doesn't hold a seal, suggests Justesen.
"Dirt gets in, and the bearing goes out," he says. "The Seal Sealer will protect the seal and the bearing, lengthening the life of the bearing."
Best of all the Seal Sealer takes only minutes to install. Remove the closing wheel, fit the seal sealer over the bearing seal, and put the wheel back on.
Concord Equipment is in the process of finding distributors to handle the product. In the meantime, they're selling them direct. From one to 15 bearings, the unit price is $24.99. For a limited time, 16 or more Seal Sealers are available at $16 each.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Concord Equipment, 110 15th St. S, Hawley, Minn. 56549 (ph 218 483-3307; fax 218 486-3308; www.concordequipment.com).
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