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How To Get Engine Oil Analyzed
Larry G. Turner Sr., of the Oil Analysis Company in Chester, Va., offers a mail order service for vehicle oil analysis. However, his service has an added twist from others.
  "The unique part of my service is that I also maintain a statistical database of all vehicles so you'll be able to see what you and other owners of similar vehicles are experiencing at a similar mileage, plus the brand and type of oil used, engine type, etc.," he says. "A lot of customers really like that."
  Turner makes the analogy that an oil analysis kit is like a blood test for your car, since it lets you see if the engine's healthy (wearing normally). It identifies specific contaminants which helps to pinpoint the cause of a problem before more expensive repairs become necessary.
  You no longer have to wonder if the oil you're using is providing the kind of protection your valuable engine needs, or if that expensive engine rebuild you just paid for is wearing normally, he explains.
  "This is a predictive maintenance program that needs to be done as often as you'd perform a tune up, or any regularly scheduled preventative maintenance," he says. "Although it's offered primarily for analysis of engine oil, this program will also provide the same warning system for transmissions, steering gear, trans-axles, and other lubricated components."
  A few examples of analysis results include: elevated chromium, which means increased piston wear; elevated copper means bearing wear; presence of silicone means worn seals or air filter; elevated iron means cylinder wear or ring damage; and glycol presence means a leaking head gasket.
  The oil analysis kits include instructions and all supplies needed to collect and submit the sample, such as a sample bottle and label, prepaid mailer, mailing label and information form. The form, to be completed by the customer, asks for certain information about the oil being tested and about the vehicle.
  To make the collection process as easy as possible, Turner also offers a bellows bottle, which allows the oil to be extracted through the dipstick tube, using tubing that's provided. Alternatively, a standard bottle is used to catch a sample while the oil drains.
  Preliminary test results are sent by email, usually in a week to 10 days from the sample being mailed in. Soon after, Turner supplies a hard copy with additional details from the lab, by U.S. mail. The analysis provides a breakdown of contaminants, additives, and physical properties of the oil, along with an interpretation and advice/suggestions regarding abnormal results.
  "If you'd like to review the database of previous oil sample reports, please visit http://members.rennlist.com/oil and select Test Results. There, you'll see over 200 Analysis Reports prepared for our customers. Additionally, there are four samples of new, un-used oil, which provide a baseline for those who wish to know the sample values of their oil before it's been subjected to the stresses of an engine. These sample reports are highlighted with green bands of color to make them easy to find."
  The kit costs $19.99 plus S&H, but because he encourages a regular checking program, Turner offers a 3-pack oil sample kit for $55 plus S&H. There are no additional lab fees, as the kits are all-inclusive.
  Besides these test kits, Turner also sells several useful chemical products such as an odor eliminator, adhesive remover, zinc phosphate rust preparation for metal parts, and body seam sealer.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, The Oil Analysis Company, 4608 Dunkirk Drive, Chester, Va. 23831 (ph 800 583-8601 or 804 526-1151; info@youroil.net; www.youroil. net).

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #3