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Simple Boxes Hold Debris And Tools
When Pete Peters finds a rock while mowing, he tosses it into a cargo carrier he built for the back of his mower.
  The Osler, Sask., man built a simple 12 by 12 by 10-in. box out of tin and slipped it into an angle iron frame welded to two flat iron arms that fit holes on the tractor's frame next to the hitch.
  "It can be mounted or removed in just seconds with brackets that hook to the frame," Peters says.
  He uses the same technique to support a small toolbox - an old tin box he found. He keeps extra fuses, wrenches, screwdrivers and pliers in the box for simple repairs.
  Spray painted Deere green and finished off with Deere decals, the boxes look like they belong on the lawn tractor.
  Peters says he may be interested in making the boxes for others if there's interest.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Pete Peter, P.O. Box 166, Osler, Sask., Canada S0K 3AO (ph 306 239-2045).

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #3