Home-Built Paddle Boat
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Here's a 21-ft. paddle boat I made a few years ago on the frame of a pontoon boat. It has an 8-ft. paddle wheel that looks like a wheel on an old riverboat. The wheel is hydraulically-driven. There's also an authentic-looking pilot house. The boat goes 6 mph. (Fred Vine, 7201 Reinertsen Dr., Britt, Minn. 55710 ph 218 749-5388)
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Home-Built Paddle Boat FARM HOME recreation 32-3-41 Here's a 21-ft. paddle boat I made a few years ago on the frame of a pontoon boat. It has an 8-ft. paddle wheel that looks like a wheel on an old riverboat. The wheel is hydraulically-driven. There's also an authentic-looking pilot house. The boat goes 6 mph. (Fred Vine, 7201 Reinertsen Dr., Britt, Minn. 55710 ph 218 749-5388)
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