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Add-On Motors Fit Any Bike
Justin Stancil has the answer for high gas prices. His motorized bike kits are saving his customers big money in gas while avoiding insurance, fees and licenses needed for mopeds and large scooters.
"You'll get from 160 to 180 miles per gallon," he says. "I sell kits that range in price from $215 on up. Here in Texas, fees and insurance alone for a moped or scooter can run $300."
Stancil sells and installs Gaijin motors over the phone and through his website. He rides a bike equipped with a G38cc kit to make deliveries for his day job in College Station, Texas. It has more than 8,000 miles on it, and Stancil reports it is "still kicking strong."
"My fastest motor kit can run stock at 30 mph, and with a gear ratio change, you can boost it to 45 mph," he says. "If you do run out of gas, you can still use it like a normal bike and pedal home."
Stancil says he enjoys seeing a bike he equipped going down the road. He likes knowing he is helping someone beat the gas crunch. He notes that some of his customers might otherwise not be able to afford to drive.
In addition to kits, Stancil does installations. Most of his installed bikes sell for around $400.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Justin Stancil, 1600 Welsh Ave #294, College Station, Texas 77840 (ph 979 422-8338; turbozchaos@yahoo.com; www.tranquillas.com/turbo).

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #4