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PVC Tool Carrier
"I made this nifty tool carrier to hold a set of socket wrenches. It's great to take in the tractor cab, or just to hold them together in the toolbox," says Victor Rogalla, Minto, N.Dak.
  The tool carrier consists simply of a piece of 4-in. dia. pvc pipe with a handle riveted to it and end caps attached. The one endcap screws off. "It's water and rust proof and easy to carry. If you should ever get water inside it, just take out the tools, put in floor dry, and then dump it out. This carrier is perfect for a socket set because it keeps all the pieces togther."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Victor P. Rogalla, Box 313, Heron St., Minto, N. Dak. 58261 (ph 701 248-3642).

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #4