2008 - Volume #32, Issue #4, Page #38
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Do-It-Yourself "Filter Changer"
"I came up with the idea one day when I was trying to change all the filters on my Bobcat 980. They were sucked up pretty tight and I couldn't get them to budge. There were enough hoses, brackets, etc., around them that I couldn't get a good grip on them, nor could I get a good filter wrench on," says Conner.
To solve the problem he used a 1-in. wide nylon strap which had a loop sewn into one end of it. He slipped the strap around the filter and then tied a knot, like when you start to tie your shoe. (He kept the strap flat against the side of the filter.) He passed the tail end of the strap back around behind the filter and then put the tail end through the loop, leaving about 2 ft. of strap to pull on.
"From there, I just pulled on the tail end, cinching the strap down on itself. It spun the filter loose on the first pull," says Conner. "A couple of the filters were on so tight that I had to loosen the strap slightly and then pull again. But they all came off very easily."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tom Conner, 2275 Sandoval Road, Gardnerville, Nevada 89410.
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