2008 - Volume #32, Issue #4, Page #39
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Screwdriver Has Built-In Wire Twister
The patent pending Whiz Twister is a screwdriver with a twisting mechanism inside the handle. It's designed to twist 10 to 18 gauge wires. It can be used to twist multiple wires and can also be used to untwist them.
To twist the wires you simply insert the wires as far as you can into a hole in the screwdriver handle, then turn the handle to twist the wires tightly together. "Steps" in the twisting mechanism accommodate different size wires.
"It makes a nice, tight twist and works great for everything from electrical wire for houses to electric fence wire," says inventor
Merle Robinson. "It works faster than a pliers and also doesn't scar the wires like a pliers often does. I came up with the idea because I was an electrical contractor for years and thought there had to be a better way."
The Wire Twister is available in three models - standard, Phillips, and a small "pocket clip" model. "The pocket clip model works great for twisting low-voltage 18-gauge wire, such as telephone wires, lamp cord wires, and speaker wires," says Robinson.
The standard and Phillips models each sell for $17 plus S&H; the pocket clip model sells for $11 plus S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Merle Robinson, Box 538, Hesston, Kansas 67062 (ph 620 327-5115 or 620 327-7440; merle@whizreel.com; www.whiztwister.com).
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