2008 - Volume #32, Issue #4, Page #40
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Differential Experts Boost Traction
The company specializes in upgrades for differentials on most light duty trucks and passenger cars.
"The problem is that on loose or slippery surfaces, whichever tire has the least traction will slip, leaving only one tire spinning," says Carl Montoya. "Our limited slip differentials provide additional traction by using clutch, springs, and/or gears that limit wheel spin, providing traction to both wheels.
"Since our system uses friction, a limited slip differential still allows for smooth cornering. The smooth operation of a limited slip differential makes it ideal for muscle cars, farm trucks, hunting vehicles, and even street vehicles. Prices start at about $230 but vary by application, brand, size, etc."
The company also offers automatic lockable differentials that lock 100 percent when the throttle is applied and disengage when you let off the throttle. In addition there are manually locked units that you control by flipping a lever.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Carl Montoya, JTS Parts & Accessories, 406 S. Wenatchee Ave., Wenatchee, Wash. 98801 (ph 509 888-2953; www.justdifferentials. com).
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