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Is This The World's Toughest Digger Bit?
"We've used it to cut 12-in. dia. holes 1 or 2 ft. deep in solid limestone and we've been able to put up fence in places where we never could before," says Dwight, Kan., farmer Fred Germann about a revolutionary new digger bit that goes through rock.
Called the Rock Eater Core Bit, the hollow bit is fitted with replaceable tungsten-carbide teeth, according to Dave Sampson at Oak Grove Fabrication, manufacturer.
The bit attaches with a 1/2-in. shear pin to any hydraulic driven 3 pt. hitch posthole digger. It cuts a 12-in. dia. hole, pulling out a 10-in. plug.
You can dig 18-in. in a half hour depending on how hard the rock is, Sampson says. It also works well in loose surface rock because stones get kicked to the inside of the barrel where they are not disturbed by the cutting teeth, he adds.
The digger teeth are good for about 20 holes in soft limestone, fewer if rock is harder. A set of 5 replacement teeth sells for $64.95.
The Rock Eater Core Bit sells for $689.95.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Oak Grove Fabrication, Rt. 1, Box 69, Alta Vista, Kan. 66834 (ph 800-499-5311 or 913 499-5311).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2