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Trick For Making Welds That Take A Lot Of Rod Metal
Dan Krenzel, Cullman, Alabama: "Here's an old farm trick for making welds that take a lot of rod metal. Once you cut the broken sides to an angle, place a welding rod into the groove. Tack the end of the rod to the repair piece. When you start welding, set another rod into the groove, insulating it from the other rod and metal with tape or a couple pieces of rubber. For the weld, use a piece of heavy wire, starting the arc against either the tacked rod or the other one on top. The rod at the bottom will provide all the inert gas you need for the arc to stay strong.
  "Flexed rods are expensive and this method lets you make use of all your short rods. Plus the arc can be maintained by any heavy wire."

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #5